

Hello Valley Christian Preschool families and welcome to our family blog. We hope that this space will be our special place to share fun educational activities, photos, ideas and stay in touch with everyone in our preschool community. Feel free to email us any ideas or photos you would like to share and we will add it to our blog. HAVE FUN!

Recent Updates

Story Time: What Mommies Do Best

This book is being read by Miss Anne’s grown-up daughter, Sophia. Sophia is at home with Miss Anne right now, but she usually lives in Spain where she teaches Kindergartners that speak Spanish how to speak English. Sophia makes videos in English to send to her students in Spain, because the schools in Spain are…

About Us

We model and teach Christian faith principles such as love, patience, kindness, compassion, goodness, self control, gentleness, forgiveness, faithfulness, joy and humility.

 We believe children learn through play. Our teachers skillfully prepare and facilitate open-ended learning environments appropriate for child-initiated exploration.

We equip your children for their chosen field of study and careers with lifelong learning skills.

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